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Vanilla Pudding

½ vanilla bean
Cut a whole vanilla bean in half crosswise. Don't slit vanilla bean open, unless you don't mind the pudding being spotted with vanilla seeds.

200 ml milk
Place milk and the vanilla bean half in saucepan and bring slowly almost to the boil.

2 egg yolks
50 g sugar

Meanwhile whisk together egg yolks and sugar until ribbons form.

10 g flour or cornstarch
Add flour or cornstarch through a sieve and mix well.
Gradually pour the hot milk into egg-sugar mixture, whisking continually.
Pour mixture back to saucepan and bring rapidly to the boil, stirring continually.

(15 g butter)
(2 tbsp cream)

Cook, stirring, for 1 - 3 minutes (add butter and cream) and strain into a bowl.

Place plastic wrap directly on the surface of pudding to prevent it from forming a skin. Stir pudding every now and then during cooling. When cooled, spoon pudding to serving dishes, cover and chill in refrigerator. Garnish with a dollop of whipped, vanilla-flavoured cream, candied citrus peel strips, mint or lemon balm sprigs, berries etc.


Conta-se a lenda que, entre um e outro encontro amoroso, as cortes?s da Veneza do s?culo 19 costumavam se recuperar, comendo uma sensual sobremesa criada na Toscana.
Seu nome tiramis?, que em italiano significa, AJUDA-ME A LEVANTAR!

Boa parte do segredo do doce est? num de seus ingredientes, o mascarpone, um queijo cremoso da regi?o da Lombardia, produzido a partir do leite de vacas alimentadas com uma ra??o especial de ervas e fl?res.

עוגת טירמיסו רויאל

6 ביצים מופרדות
85 גרם סוכר לבן (7 כפות סוכר)
1/2 ק"ג גבינת מסקרפונה
2 כפות קוואנטרו או ליקר תפוז משובח
40 יחידות בישקוטים
2 כוסות קפה חזק

תבנית עגולה בקוטר 26 ס"מ

אופן ההכנה:
מקציפים במיקסר במהירות בינונית את החלמונים והסוכר כ-3 עד 4 דקות עד שמתקבלת תערובת תפוחה ובהירה. מוסיפים את גבינת המסקרפונה וליקר התפוז ומקפלים לתערובת חלקה ואחידה. מציפים במיקסר את החלבונים לקצף יציב ומקפלים לתוך תערובת הגבינה.
טובלים את הבישקוטים בקפה ומסדרים בתחתית התבנית. מוסיפים מחצית מתערובת הגבינה על גבי הבישקוטים ומשטחים.
טובלים את יתרת הבישקוטים בקפה, מוסיפים את שאר תערובת הגבינה ומשטחים.
מכניסים למקפיא לכ-4 שעות. מעטרים בקקאו ופירורי שוקולד ומגישים.


06 ovos (clara em neve),
1/2 x?cara (ch?) de a??car + 4 colheres(sopa),
400 gr. de queijo mascarpone,
300 ml de creme de leite fresco,
02 pacotes de biscoito champanhe de a??car fino,
01 copo de caf? forte sem a??car,
licor amaretto ? gosto,
chocolate meio amargo ralado e cacau em p? ou chocolate em p?, para deecorar.

Modo de preparo:
Pegue o caf? e junte um pouco do licor e molhe rapidamente os biscoitos.
Bata na batedeira, o mascarpone com o a??car, as gemas e o creme de leite.
Por ?ltimo bata as claras em neve com 04 colheres (sopa) de a??car refinado e junte ao creme do mascarpone.
No fundo, coloque uma camada do biscoito, por cima a camada do creme e rale chocolate por cima, alternadamente, terminando com chocolate ralado e polvilhando com cacau em p?, ou chocolate em p? ( se sua prefer?ncia, for por mais doce).

Ps. Uso o creme de leite fresco, pra suavizar o sabor do mascarpone, mas, ? totalmente opcional.

Tiramisu Diet

6 ovos (claras em neve),
1 x?cara (ch?) de frutose,
400 gr. de mascarpone,
300 ml de creme de leite light, sem soro,
1 bolo branco diet,
licor amaretto a gosto,
1 copo de caf? forte,
200 gr. de chocolate diet picado.

Bolo diet branco:
Usar o bolo diet , no lugar do biscoito chamapanhe, que contem a??car.
3 ovos,
2 colheres (sopa) rasas de multi-ado?ante low?ucar,
1/2 x?cara (ch?) de maragarina light,
2 x?caras (ch?) de farinha de trigo peneirada,
1 e 1/4 (ch?) de leite desnatado,
1 colher (ch?) de baunilha,
1 colher (sopa) cheia de fermento em p?.

Modo de preparo do bolo diet:
Bata as gemas com o ado?ante, at? obter um creme branco.
Acrescente a margarina light e bata at? obter um creme homog?nio.
Sempre batendo, adicione alternadamente a farinha, o leite e por ?ltimo , misture o fermento em p?.
Acrescente as claras em neve.
Forno pr?- aquecido por 35 a 40 minutos, ou fa?a o teste do palito.

Modo de preparo do tiramis?:
Bata as claras em neve com meia x?cara de frutose. Reserve.
Bata as gemas com a frutose restante.
Junte a esta gemada o mascarpone e bata at? obter um creme liso e homog?neo.
Adicione o creme de leite, misture e por fim acrescente as claras mexendo delicadamente.
Corte as fatias do bolo bem finas, regue com o licor misturado com o caf?.
Monte 1 camada de bolo, uma camada do creme e polvilhe com o chocolate picado .
Termine com o creme e por ?ltimo o chocolate.
Leve a geladeira.

רוטב אפרסקים מהיר

להגשה על קרפים, גלידה או עוגות.

1 כוס חלב (או חלב שקדים, או 1/2 כוס חלב 1/2-ו כוס שמנת מתוקה)
1 כף מחוקה קורנפלור
1 כף דבש (או יותר, לפי הטעם)
1 כפית תמצית וניל טבעי (או ברנדי)
1/2 כפית תמצית שקדים
1 כוס אפרסקים קלופים וקצוצים (או נקטרינות או משמשים)

בסיר בינוני, מערבבים חלב, קורנפלור, דבש ותמציות ומביאים לרתיחה. מבשלים על אש בינונית- קטנה, בבחישה לעיתים קרובות, עד שהתערובת מסמיכה. בוחשים פנימה את האפרסקים וממשיכים לבשל רק עד שהם מתרככים. מגישים חם.

Pudim de Leite Condensado

2 x?caras (ch?) de a??car
¾ de x?cara (ch?) de ?gua

Coloque o a??car e a ?gua numa panela. Misture at? o a??car dissolver.

Leve a panela ao fogo e deixe por aproximadamente 10 minutos, sem mexer. Desligue o fogo quando o caramelo estiver marrom, mas cuidado para n?o deixar queimar.

Desligue o fogo e coloque o caramelo numa forma de pudim (com buraco no meio). Com a ajuda das costas de uma colher, espalhe o caramelo por toda a forma. Reserve.

*** Ligue o forno em temperatura m?dia (180 graus). ***

4 ovos
1 lata de leite condensado
2 medidas (lata) de leite
raspa de 1 lim?o

Coloque todos os ingredientes no liquidificador e bata muito bem, at? ficar bem homog?neo.

Despeje a mistura do liquidificador na forma de pudim j? caramelizada. Cubra com papel alum?nio.

Pegue uma assadeira e coloque um pouco de ?gua. Coloque a forma de pudim dentro da assadeira com ?gua e leve ao forno. Asse por aproximadamente 1 hora e meia.

Quando j? tiver passado 1 hora de cozimento, abra o forno, retire o papel alum?nio e espete um palitinho no pudim. Se o palito sair seco, o pudim j? est? pronto. Mas se sair molhadinho, o pudim deve ficar mais meia hora no forno. N?o se esque?a de recolocar o papel alum?nio no pudim.

Quando o pudim estiver pronto, retire do forno. Tire a forma de pudim de dentro da assadeira com ?gua e deixe esfriar. Quando estiver frio, coloque um prato por cima da forma e vire com cuidado.

Pudim de Leite Condensado Tradicional


1 lata de leite condensado
2 latas (a mesma medida) de leite
4 ovos

P/ caramelo:

1/2 x?cara (ch?) de ?gua
1 x?cara (ch?) de a??car

Coloque a ?gua e o a??car em uma forma de buraco no meio. Leve ao fogo alto at? derreter o a??car e caramelizar. O caramelo deve ficar dourado, n?o marrom. Tire do fogo. Bater no liquidificador o leite condensado, o leite e os ovos. Reservar (? bom que fique parado um pouco, mas n?o muito). Quando a calda ficar morna, despeje lentamente a mistura do liquidificador dentro da forma caramelada. Cubra a forma com papel alum?nio (pode usar forma com tampa) e leve ao forno pr?-aquecido em banho-maria por 1h30min.

Deve-se deixar o pudim esfriar na geladeira, para ser desenformado frio.


1 lata de leite condensado
1,5 latas de leite
4 ovos

6 colheres (sopa) de a??car
6 colheres (sopa) de ?gua

Coloque o a??car e a ?gua em um refrat?rio de anel e leve ao microondas por 6 a 8 minutos na pot?ncia alta, at? dourar. Depois de ter colocado os primeiros 5 min, eu geralmente vou acrescentando mais 30 seg, e mais 30 seg, para ver que cor fica. Isso evita que fique muito escuro. Espalhe o caramelo na forma e aguarde esfriar completamente. Bata no liquidificador o leite condensado, o leite e os ovos. Reserve. Despeje a mistura do liquidificador no refrat?rio caramelado e leve ao microondas por 9 a 10 minutos na pot?ncia alta.

Deve-se deixar o pudim esfriar na geladeira, para ser desenformado frio.


פאי גבינה ותפוחים

120 גרם חמאה
2 כפות סוכר
1/4 1 כוסות קמח תופח
1 ביצה
גרידה מלימון אחד

הבסיס: לשים את כל חומרי הבצק, עד ליצירת כדור אחיד. משטחים את הבצק על תבנית עגולה שרופדה בנייר אפייה. אופים בתנור בחום בינוני (180 מעלות) במשך כחצי שעה, עד לקבלת צבע זהוב.

3 תפוחי גרנד קלופים וחתוכים לשמיניות
70 גרם חמאה
70 גרם סוכר

התפוחים: ממיסים במחבת, מעל אש בינונית, את הסוכר והחמאה, עד לקבלת קרמל זהוב. מוסיפים את שמיניות התפוחים ומערבבים היטב. מצננים. מסדרים את התפוחים על הבצק בצורת פרח.

למלית הגבינה:
300 גרם גבינה 5%
75 גרם חמאה
2 חלמונים
3 כפות סוכר
2 כפות קמח
1/4 כפית אבקת אפייה
גרידה מתפוז אחד

מלית הגבינה: מערבבים את הגבינה עם החלמונים, הקמח, אבקת האפייה וגרידת התפוז עד לקבלת תערובת אחידה.

2 חלבונים
1 כף סוכר

הקצף: בכלי יבש ונקי מקציפים את החלבונים, תוך הוספת הסוכר בהדרגה, עד לקבלת קצף אחיד. מקפלים את הקצף לתוך תערובת הגבינה.
מוזגים את התערובת על התפוחים ואופים בתנור בחום של 180 מעלות 25-30 דקות.


A frase eh classica: eu bebo porque eh liquido, se fosse solido eu comia.
Mas nao eh que inventaram formas de comer a cachaca? Aih vao duas receitas:

1/2 kg de acucar
2 xicaras (cha) de agua

Prepare uma calda em ponto de pasta. (? o ponto mais leve: mergulhe a escumadeira dentro da calda e levante-a dando voltas. A calda estar? no ponto quando cair da escumadeira formando franja, em fios desiguais).
Retire a calda do fogo e deixe esfriar um pouco.

1 calice de cachaca
12 gemas mal batidas

Acrescente ent?o as gemas mal batidas e a cacha?a.
Coloque a mistura em f?rma untada com manteiga e asse em forno m?dio, at? o pudim soltar um pouco das bordas.

4 pacotes de gelatina
Dissolver a gelatina na ?gua.

2 copos de ?gua
1 copo de cacha?a

Acrescentar o a??car e depois a cacha?a. Deixar ferver.
Colocar num tabuleiro ou forma de gelo.

1 kg de a??car
No outro dia cortar e passar no a??car refinado.
sexo, cacha?a e samba&choro - UOL Blog

Panna Cotta

Panna cotta is a traditional Piemontese recipe -- the name means "cooked cream" in Italian. There are many variations of the recipe, but it is generally made by simply simmering together some cream, milk and sugar, mixing this with gelatin, before letting it cool until set. The cream mixture can also be flavored, often with a vanilla pod, sometimes with fruit or fruit juice, but you could also experiment with tea, cocoa powder, and different spices or extracts -- not very traditional but also very good. Some people enjoy the panna cotta on its own, but it is usually served with a sauce (often a berry coulis), which adds some sweetness: the cream itself is supposed to be only subtly sweet.

Strawberry Panna Cotta
250ml whipping cream
250ml milk
50g sugar
1 1/2 tsp (3g) agar-agar (or 2 sheets of gelatin: see instructions)
2 tsp vanilla extract or vanilla paste

Combine all the pannacotta ingredients (if using gelatin, see instructions below) in a medium saucepan and bring to a simmer, stirring from time to time (do not let it boil).
Let cool for five minutes.
Rinse four half-cup ramequins or bowls quickly under cold water, do not dry (this will help unmold them if you choose to), and distribute the pannacotta mixture evenly among them.
Keep in the refrigerator until firm, about three hours or overnight.

Important note: if you are using gelatin instead of agar-agar, do not combine the gelatin with the rest of the ingredients. Instead, soak the sheets in a bowl of cold water while you bring the other ingredients to a simmer, then press dry with your hands (they will be soft), and whisk into the pannacotta mixture while it cools.

Strawberry coulis:
250g fresh strawberries
50g sugar

Rinse the strawberries quickly under cool water and drain.
Cut the stems off, and cut strawberries in quarters.
Combine in a small saucepan with the sugar and two tablespoons of water.
Bring to a simmer and remove from heat immediately.
Pour into the bowl of a blender or food processor and mix with short pulses.
Cover, let cool to room temperature and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Optional, for decoration:
12 small fresh strawberries
four butter cookies (Petit Beurre for instance)

Serve the panna cotta in their ramequins topped with a layer of coulis, or unmold them carefully onto plates and drizzle with the coulis.
In both cases, you can decorate each plate with three whole strawberries and a butter cookie.

Serves 4.


ל-8 פנקייקס

2 כוסות קמח לעוגות או כוס קמח לבן וכוס קמח מלא
2 ביצים גדולות
2 כוסות חלב, או רוויון
2 כפיות אבקת אפיה
1 כפית סודה לשתייה
קורט מלח
2 כפות חמאה מומסת
3 כפות סוכר
מעט תמצית וניל אמיתי ומעט שמן לשימון המחבת

וכך עושים:

1. בקערה, מערבבים חומרים יבשים, יוצקים אליהם את הרטובים ומערבבים היטב, רצוי במטרף ביצים.
2. משמנים מחבת טפלון, יוצקים לתוכה חצי מצקת-מרק מהבלילה ומטגנים על להבה בינונית עד שפני השטח מתמלאים בועות והשוליים מתקפלים קצת. הופכים במרית רחבה, מטגנים עוד דקה, וזהו.

על הפנקייקס אפשר לזרות אבקת סוכר ומעט קינמון, אבל לא ממש מוכרחים. גם סירופ מייפל איננו הכרחי, למרות התעקשותם של האמריקנים, שהפכו את אכילת הפנקייקס לדת. לקטנטנים ממש הצעתי כבר כמה פעמים להתנסות במריחת הפנקייקס שלהם בריבה, ממרח שוקולד, ריבת חלב ואפילו ממרח עגבניות מיובשות, והם אהבו את המשחק. בני ביתי הנמוכים משתתפים ביצירה בערבובים נמרצים וגם יוצקים למחבת את הבלילה, מתוך בקבוק לחיץ – וכך יוצרים המון צורות מעניינות ויצירתיות שרובן מושלכות לפח, ואז מתחיל תורה של אמא לעשות.

ועכשיו, נשחק מעט בטעמים:
* במקום חלב או רוויון, נסו 2 כוסות סיידר תפוחים צלול או שתי כוסות בירה שחורה או לבנה, או שתי כוסות יוגורט, או שני מכלים של פרילי בטעם החביב על הטף, או כוס בננות מעוכות וכוס רוויון, ואם אתם לא פוחדים מקלוריות, בהחלט אפשר להחליף כוס רוויון אחת בכוס של שמנת חמוצה מעורבבת היטב. בכל המקרים הללו יתקבלו הבועות המבשרות פנקייקס תפוחים, אווריריים ונימוחים כאחד.

* רוצים גרסאות מלוחות? השמיטו את הסוכר והוניל, הוסיפו גרעיני תירס או מעט גזר מגורר או כל ירק שהטף מוכן לאכול, או כלום, והמשיכו כמו במתכון הבסיסי.

* רוצים פיוז'ן אמריקני-מרוקני? לבלילה מלוחה, הוסיפו קמצוצון של כמון, קצת בצל ירוק – ועל פני הפנקייק, אחרי הטיגון, שכבה דקה של אריסה מתוקה. אני יודעת שזה נשמע מופרך, אבל לא יותר מפירה עם ווסאבי, אותו אני מוכנה להכין רק לספיידרמן, ובלבד שייעלם מנוף חיינו.

Basic Pancakes - cookingforengineers


Manjar Branco

1 litro de leite
1 xםcara (chב) e mais ½ colher (sopa) de amido de milho

Dissolva o amido de milho no leite.

1 xםcara (chב) de aחתcar
2 vidros de leite de coco

Leve ao fogo com o restante dos ingredientes, mexendo atי que engrosse.
Depois que engrossar deixe no fogo por mais 3 minutos.
Desligue o fogo, molhe uma fפrma com furo central e despeje o manjar.
Deixe esfriar e leve a geladeira para que endureחa.

250g de ameixas pretas
4 xםcaras (chב) de aחתcar
e בgua que cubra as ameixas

Deixem ferver atי que engrosse ficando uma calda mais grossa.

Depois do manjar gelado desinforme e jogue a calda por cima.

Rendimento: 10 porחץes
Tempo de preparo: 2 horas
Tempo de cozimento: 20 minutos

Lime Pie

The recipe which follows isn't Key Lime Pie--for one thing, there's no condensed milk, and secondly, the limes in Mama's garden were Persian, so I've opted for a recipe which showcases those.

While the pie doesn't cut prettily, it has a clean, fresh lime flavour which is perfect for summer.

Pie Crust
98g vegetable shortening e.g. Trex
160g plain flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
2-3 tablespoons cold water

In a food processor, blitz the fat into the flour and salt until it looks like fine breadcrumbs. With the motor running trickle in water until a ball of dough forms.

Turn out onto a surface dusted with flour and shape into a smooth ball. Flatten into a disc, wrap in cling film and chill for 30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 210C/Gas Mark 7.

Roll the dough out into an 11" round. Line a 9" pie dish, crimp the edges of the dough. Prick the dough with a fork, cover with a layer of tinfoil, fill with some baking beans.

Bake for approximately 15 minutes until golden. Leave to cool while you make the filling.

Filling and topping
200g caster sugar plus 3 tablespoons
2 tablespoons plain flour
3 tablespoons cornflour (cornstarch)
1/4 teaspoon salt
500ml cups boiling water
3 eggs, separated
185ml (3/4 cup) freshly squeezed lime juice
1 teaspoon finely grated lime zest
15g unsalted butter

Combine 200g sugar, flour, cornflour and salt in a large mixing bowl. You have two options for making the filling.

1. Set the bowl over a pan of simmering water, slowly pour the boiling water onto the sugar/flour mixture, stirring constantly. Cook, continuing to stir until the mixture thickens. Now, by thickens, the book really means a thick custard which leaves a thick visible trail when the spoon is removed. This will take a very long time. Continue to cook without stirring for 10 minutes to cook out the flour thoroughly.

2. Slowly add the boiling water to the sugar/flour mixture, stirring constantly. Cook the mixture in the microwave, using 30 second bursts, until thick. Cook for another 4 minutes.

Beat the egg yolks; stir a small amount of the custard into the yolks, then whisk the tempered yolk mixture back into the the hot mixture. Cook for 2 minutes, stirring. Do this either over the hot water or in the microwave. If in the microwave, stir ever 30 seconds or more frequently if you're twitchy.

The mixture should now be very thick and gloriously yellow. It really does need to be thick as you're about to dilute it with the lime juice.

Off the heat, stir in the lime juice, zest, and butter. Whisk thoroughly and pour into the pre-baked case.

Preheat the oven to 180C/Gas Mark 4.

Whisk the egg whites to a soft peak then gradually add the sugar, continuing to whisk, until stiff shiny peaks form.

Pile the meringue over the filled pie, making sure to seal the edges well. Bake until the peaks brown and the pie is tinged gold all over.

Remove from the oven, allow to cool to room temperature and then refrigerate until chilled. Once properly chilled the filling should be sliceable.


Recipe #1:

Carmelize 3/4 cup sugar in pan.
In a separate bowl beat six eggs until lemon colored.
Add 3/4 cup sugar, 1 quart milk (whole), and 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla.
Mix thoroughly.
Pour mixture into pan (on top of the carmelized sugar).
Bake at 325 degrees 1 hour (or longer) until knife inserted in flan comes out clean.

This is the real stuff, smooth and light.

Recipe #2:

Natillas (for four)
3 cups whole milk; lemon peel; four egg yolks
3 tbsps sugar

Bring milk with lemon peel to aboil; reduce heat, simmer 10 min.
Discard lemon peel. Beat egg yolks and put in top of double boiler, with the sugar, until they turn pale.
Stir in the milk slowly.
Cook in double boiler until the nixture thickens, STIRRING CONSTANTLY.
Sprinkle with vanilla powder.
Cool and serve.

Flan (el legitimo, hay muchas variaciones)
For six:
3 whole eggs
3 egg yolks
a bit of grated lemon rind
6 tbsps sugar
2.5 cups milk.

CARAMELIZED SUGAR: 10 tbsps sugar & 5 tbsps water:
Heat sugar and water in small skillet over moderate flame, STIR CONSTANTLY!!
When the sugar is golden brown remove and pour in six ove proof cups.

Custard (u sease, el flan): Beat whole eggs and yolks together, lightly.
Add lemon rind sugar & milk. Pour into caramelized cups and place cups in a pan of hot water (obviously without letting the water in the cups, you nerds!)
Cook on the stove for an hour, medium flame.
Transfer to 350 oF oven abd cook for another 25min.
A knife inserted in the custard must come out clean.
Remove cups from the water (notice, they are still there!), cool and the refrigerate. To serve, loosen custard with a knife and invert cup to a little dish.

Apricots au Chocolat

100 g dark chocolate
Melt the chocolate in a double-boiler (or in a heat-resistant bowl set over a pan of simmering water). Remove from heat.

20 dried apricots
Drop the apricots in the chocolate and stir until well coated. Use a fork to lift the apricots from the bowl, and deposit them carefully on a feuille guitare, a sheet of parchment paper or a silicon baking mat.
Leave out to dry, preferably somewhere cool and safely hidden from children, chocoholics, or any combination of the two.

This is a good way to use up the melted chocolate leftover from other chocolate confections. You could also dip just one half of the apricots for a pretty semi-dipped effect.

*** In such a simple recipe, the quality of your ingredients is key. Try to use the best apricots and the best chocolate you can reasonably afford.

Doce de Leite

4 x?caras (ch?) de leite
2 x?caras (ch?) de a??car

Coloque o leite e o a??car numa panela e leve ao fogo baixo, sempre mexendo com uma colher de pau, at? o a??car dissolver (cerca de 10 minutos).
Cozinhe, mexendo frequentemente para o leite n?o ferver, por mais 1 hora ou at? o creme engrossar e adquirir uma cor de caramelo-claro. Se necess?rio, deixe por mais tempo para atingir o ponto certo.
Retire e deixe esfriar

filme-pl?stico, o quanto baste
Cubra com filme pl?stico e guarde na geladeira por no m?ximo 10 dias.

דולסה די לצ'ה
ריבת חלב

3 ליטר חלב מלא טרי
700 גר' סוכר
2\1 כפית סודה שתיה

שמים את החלב סיר גדול ומביאים לרתיחה. מבשלים על להבה נמוכה כעשר דקות ומעבירים לסיר אחר.
מוסיפים את הסוכר וממשיכים לבשל אגב ערבוב אקראי, כעשר דקות נוספות.
מורידים לרגע את הסיר מהאש ורק אז מוסיפים את אבקת הסודה ומערבבים.
מחזירים את הסיר לאש ומבשלים על להבה בינונית כשעתיים, עד שהריבה סמיכה ובעלת צבע חום בהיר ויפה.


Chocolate Syrup/ Sauce

Here are a few recipes for plain and differently flavoured dark and lighter chocolate syrup/ sauces suitable to be served with ice creams, parfaits, fruit salads and various other desserts.

100 ml cocoa powder
100 ml sugar
100 ml water

Mix the sugar and cocoa powder in a small saucepan. Slowly add the water and bring the mixture to the boil, stirring frequently. Serve warm with ice cream or other desserts.

100 g sweet or semisweet dark chocolate
(whole) milk, light cream or cream

Melt the chocolate in a double boiler and slowly stir in enough milk or cream to get a suitable consistency. Serve with ice creams or parfaits.

100 ml cocoa powder
75 ml sugar
100 - 150 ml cream

Combine the ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to the boil, stirring constantly. Simmer the mixture on low heat until it has thickened. Add some more cream, if necessary.

175 ml sugar
125 ml water

In saucepan, dissolve sugar in water on low heat, stirring continually.
After sugar has melted, increase heat and bring syrup to the boil.

30 g cocoa powder
Place cocoa powder in bowl.
Pour hot syrup on cocoa powder in thin stream and whisk until smooth.
Pour mixture back in saucepan and boil for 1 minute, beating continually.
Pour mixture in bowl and let cool.

½ tsp vanilla sugar
Season with vanilla sugar.
Use as sauce for desserts or to flavour milk shakes and drinks.

Store syrup bottled up to 1 week in refrigerator.

115 g semisweet dark chocolate
1 tbsp sugar
12 tbsp water
2 tbsp cognac, rum or strong coffee (drink)
1 tbsp butter
(dash of vanilla sugar)
(1 - 2 tbsp cream)

Place chopped chocolate, sugar, water and cognac in a small saucepan and bring to the boil, stirring constantly. Simmer the mixture on low heat for about 5 minutes or until it has thickened. Remove the pan from the heat and add the butter (and the vanilla sugar). Let the mixture cool down. Store the sauce in refrigerator. Before serving, mix in the cream, if you like.

2½ tbsp cocoa powder
50 ml sugar
50 ml water
(dash of vanilla sugar)
100 ml cream

Combine the cocoa powder, sugar and water in a small saucepan and bring to the boil, stirring constantly. Let the mixture cool down (and add the vanilla sugar). Whip the cream until soft peaks form and fold into the chocolate sauce.

Chocolate Syrup With No Calorie Sweetener and Cream
3 tablespoons butter
2/3 cup cocoa
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup water
Dash salt
1 1/2 teaspoons plus 1/8 teaspoon liquid Splenda or
1 cup plus 1 tablespoon granular Splenda (SPLENDA® No Calorie Sweetener)
1 teaspoon vanilla

Melt butter in a medium saucepan. Whisk in cocoa to blend. It will be very thick. Mix cream and water; gradually whisk into cocoa. Add a little at a time and be careful of gentle. The cocoa has a tendency to splash out of the pot and you don't want it on your clothes. Once the cocoa is blended well and the mixture is smooth, remove from heat and whisk in the salt, sweetener and vanilla. Cool and store in refrigrator. It thickens a bit on cooling, but is pourable.

Makes 1 1/4 cups

With granular Splenda:
Per Tablespoon: 48 Calories; 4g Fat; 1g Protein; 3g Carbohydrate; 1g Dietary Fiber; 2g Net Carbs
Per 1/4 cup: 192 Calories; 17g Fat; 3g Protein; 12g Carbohydrate; 4g Dietary Fiber; 8g Net Carbs

With liquid Splenda:
Per Tablespoon: 43 Calories; 4g Fat; 1g Protein; 2g Carbohydrate; 1g Dietary Fiber; 1g Net Carbs
Per 1/4 cup: 172 Calories; 17g Fat; 3g Protein; 7g Carbohydrate; 4g Dietary Fiber; 3g Net Carbs

(*) The Splenda does make it a little bitter, but I think it would be fine mixed into coffee or used to make a chocolate or mocha shake-type beverage. I didn't have anything low carb on hand to test it on, so I mixed a couple tablespoons into some regular white milk. It tasted quite a bit like Nestle's Quik milk.

40 g sugar
12 g grated dark chocolate or cocoa powder
4 g flour
140 g (whole) milk
20 g egg yolk (about 1 large yolk)

Combine the sugar, chocolate and flour in a small saucepan. Whisk together the milk and egg yolk and beat into the dry ingredients. Stirring constantly, simmer the mixture on low heat until it has thickened. Do not let it boil. Strain the sauce into a bowl. Place plastic wrap directly on the surface of the sauce to prevent it from forming a skin. Stir the sauce every now and then during cooling. Serve with filled profiteroles (miniature cream puffs), etc.

150 ml strong, hot coffee (drink)
50 ml honey
100 ml icing sugar
150 ml cocoa powder
1 - 2 tsp vanilla sugar
unsalted butter

Pour the hot coffee in a thick-bottomed saucepan, add the honey and stir until diluted. Add the icing sugar, vanilla sugar and cocoa powder through a sieve. Mix until smooth and gently heat the mixture. Do not let it boil. Take the pan off the heat and mix in a few small pats of butter, one at a time, beating with a whisk until well incorporated. Serve the sauce warm or chilled with ice cream etc.

50 g dark chocolate
25 g mint chocolate, peppermint patties (eg After Eight or homemade peppermint patties) or 2 - 3 drops peppermint oil *)
150 ml cream
25 ml sugar

Chop the dark chocolate, break the mint chocolates or peppermint patties in small pieces. Place all the ingredients in a small saucepan and bring gently to the boil. Heat until the chocolate has melted and the mixture is smooth. Simmer the mixture for a few minutes, or until it has thickened sufficiently, stirring constantly. If you are using peppermint oil, add it to the mixture after boiling.

(*) Natural oil of peppermint (Mentha piperita). Only a couple of drops are needed to sufficiently flavour the sauce. In Finland peppermint oil is sold in pharmacies.

85 g semisweet dark chocolate
25 ml cream
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp almond liqueur (eg Amaretto)
(25 ml toasted, finely chopped almonds)

Place the chopped chocolate, cream and butter in a small saucepan and heat gently until melted. Take the pan off the heat and stir in the liqueur (and the chopped almonds). Serve warm with ice cream etc.

Compota de Pessach

1/2 kg de ameixas pretas
250 g de damasco seco
250 g de uva passa sem sementes

Deixe as frutas de molho em ?gua por 2 horas.

6 cravos-da-?ndia
1/2 x?cara (ch?) de a??car
1/2 litro de ?gua
casca de 1/2 lim?o
6 paus de canela
1/2 litro de vinho branco doce

Misture todos os outros ingredientes e leve ao fogo por 2 minutos.

Coloque as frutas escorridas e cozinhe por 20 minutos.

Retire as frutas e deixe a calda ferver at? se reduzir ? metade.
Coe a calda e despeje sobre as frutas.

(*)Conserve na geladeira at? o momento de servir.
(**) Prepare de v?spera.

Brigadeiro and Truffes

1 lata de leite condensado
½ medida (lata) de leite
1 colher (sopa) de manteiga
4 colheres (sopa) de achocolatado
2 colheres (sopa)de chocolate em p?
2 x?caras (ch?) de chocolate granulado
40 forminhas de brigadeiro

1. Coloque o leite condensado, o leite, o achocolatado, o chocolate em p? e a manteiga numa panela e leve ao fogo baixo, mexendo bem.

2. Depois de ferver, cozinhe por mais 15 minutos ou at? aparecer o fundo da panela.

3. Retire do fogo e coloque num prato para esfriar.

4. Coloque o chocolate granulado numa tigelinha e deixe ao lado do prato com a massa de brigadeiro.

5. Espalhe um pouco de manteiga na palma das m?os e com ajuda de 1 colher de ch?, fa?a bolinhas de 2,5 cm. Coloque-as na tigelinha com o chocolate granulado e envolva cada bolinha muito bem com o chocolate granulado. Coloque nas forminhas em seguida.


birthday cake

Banana Caramelizada

3 bananas, nanicas
2 x?caras (ch?) de ?gua fria
1 clara, de ovo
1 ½ x?cara (ch?) de farinha de trigo
2 x?caras (ch?) de maisena
2 colheres (sopa) de ?leo
3 colheres (sopa) de fermento em p?
1 l de ?leo
1 colher (caf?) de sal
papel toalha, o quanto baste

1. Separe todos os ingredientes pedidos na receita. Descasque as bananas e corte cada uma em tr?s peda?os.

2. Coloque o ?leo numa panela funda (isso ? importante, pois a banana deve flutuar no ?leo sem encostar no fundo da panela). Leve ao fogo m?dio para esquentar.

3. Enquanto o ?leo esquenta, misture, numa tigela, a farinha de trigo, a maisena, o sal, o fermento, as 2 colheres de ?leo e a clara de ovo. Aos poucos coloque a ?gua, misturando com uma colher de pau, vigorosamente para n?o empelotar.

4. Mergulhe cada peda?o de banana na massa, deixando-os completamente envolvidos.

5. O ?leo j? deve estar bem quente. Coloque dois peda?os de banana por vez para fritar. Com a ajuda de uma escumadeira, vire os peda?os at? que fiquem dourados. Retire e coloque sobre um prato com papel toalha para tirar o excesso de ?leo. Frite todos os peda?os de banana. Reserve.

3 x?caras (ch?) de a??car
1 1/2 x?cara (ch?) de ?gua
2 colheres (sopa) de ?leo

1. Unte uma assadeira com ?leo. Reserve.

2. Coloque a ?gua e o a??car numa panela. Leve ao fogo e misture at? o a??car dissolver. Pare de mexer. Quando ferver, conte aproximadamente 10 minutos, ou at? ficar marrom (caramelizar). Retire do fogo. A partir deste momento deve-se trabalhar rapidamente, pois o caramelo vai esfriando e ficando duro.

3. Coloque cada peda?o de banana empanada dentro do caramelo, e com a ajuda de um garfo, envolva-os com esta calda.

4. Retire da calda delicadamente e coloque imediatamente na assadeira untada, deixando um espa?o entre eles.

5. Sirva imediatamente.

Bananada, Doce de Banana

1 kg de banana nanica, em rodelas
Descasque as bananas e corte-as em rodelas.

700 g de a??car cristal
1 x?cara (ch?) de ?gua

Coloque o a??car e a ?gua numa panela grande e leve ao fogo m?dio.
Cozinhe a calda at? que fique grossa.

¼ x?cara (ch?) de suco de lim?o
Acrescente as bananas e o suco de lim?o na panela e mexa de vez em quando.
Cozinhe cerca de 90 minutos ou at? que o doce comece a ficar com uma colora??o mais escura.

A partir deste ponto, mexa constantemente, mas muito cuidado para n?o se queimar pois o doce tende a espirrar da panela. Se for preciso, embrulhe um pano na m?o e no bra?o.

Cozinhe por cerca de mais 30 minutos ou at? que o doce descole do fundo da panela. Nesta altura, ele dever? estar com uma cor marrom-escuro.

Retire o doce do fogo e coloque-o sobre um recipiente refrat?rio. Cubra com filme pl?stico e deixe esfriar.


Receita 1:

3 xícara de açúcar
2 xícara de água

Leve ao fogo, a água com açúcar até ficar em ponto de fio.

1 colher de manteiga
Ao retirar do fogo, acrescente a manteiga.
Deixe esfriar.

2 gemas passadas na peneira
1/2 vidro de leite de coco

Junte a essa calda as gemas e o leite de coco.
Leve novamente ao fogo até engrossar, sem deixar ferver.

Receita 2:

250 g de acucar
1 vidro de leite de coco
Numa panela, misture o acucar com o leite de coco. Leve ao fogo e deixe engrossar um pouco ate atingir uma calda de espessura media.
Retire a calda do fogo e deixe esfriar ligeiramente.

6 gemas de ovosNuma tigela, bata bem as gemas com um garfo e passe-as na peneira.
Junte as gemas ?s claras e retorne rapidamente ao fogo.

Cravo e canela a gostoAdicione cravo e canela, mexendo sempre.

Sirva fria.
(6 porcoes)


Arroz Doce

2 x?caras (ch?) de arroz
Lave o arroz e deixe escorrer numa peneira ou escorredor.

1 l de leite
1 l de ?gua
½ x?cara (ch?) de a??car
1 pitada de sal
casca de 1 laranja
2 paus de canela
2 cravos da ?ndia

Coloque numa panela o leite, a ?gua, o arroz, o a??car, o sal, a casca de laranja, a canela e o cravo. Leve ao fogo alto e mexa muito bem.

Quando come?ar a ferver, abaixe o fogo e conte 15 minutos, mexendo de vez em quando, para cozinhar o arroz.

395 ml de leite condensado (1 lata)
Ap?s os 15 minutos, acrescente o leite condensado, mexendo sempre, e conte 5 minutos.
Retire do fogo e coloque numa travessa para esfriar. Retire a casca da laranja.

canela em p?, o quanto baste para polvilhar
Polvilhe com canela em p? e sirva.

Recipe 2:
Arroz Doce (Portuguese Rice Pudding)
Portuguese rice pudding is cooked entirely on top of the stove in a risotto like manner. It traditionally is thickened and enriched further with egg yolks but has a voluptuous texture even without them and is lower in fat. Stir the rice frequently but NOT constantly because it can become too gummy. The classic Portuguese seasonings are lemon and cinnamon—but not vanilla. Use ground cinnamon to decorate the top; the easiest way is sifting it through a paper doily.

Serves 6

1/2 cup short round rice, such as paella rice or risotto rice (Arborio)
3 to 3 1/2 cups milk
2 sticks cinnamon
Grated zest of 2 lemons
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon plus more for garnish

1. Wash and drain the rice. Place it in a large saucepan with plenty of water to cover. Stir, and bring to a boil over medium heat. Boil for 5 minutes, to blanch the rice. Drain the rice in a colander, rinse with warm water, drain again and set aside.

2. While the rice is cooking, place 3 cups of milk in a medium heavy-bottomed saucepan, add the cinnamon sticks, lemon zest and salt. Bring the mixture to a simmer over medium heat. Turn off the heat and let the milk infuse until the rice is ready.

3. Place the rice in another medium heavy-bottomed saucepan, and ladle in 1 cup of the warm milk. Stir well with a wooden spoon, then turn on the lowest possible heat and cook gently, stirring occasionally, until the milk is absorbed. Ladle in another 1/2 cup of the warm milk, stir and cook until absorbed. Continue in this manner until you have used up all the milk (remove and discard the cinnamon sticks). Along with the last 1/2 cup of the milk, stir in the sugar, butter and ground cinnamon. When the last addition of the milk has been absorbed, turn off the heat and evaluate the consistency against your personal rice pudding preferences, bearing in mind it will be thicker when chilled. Add an additional 1/4 cup to 1 cup of milk (cold is fine) as desired.

4. Turn the pudding out into a medium serving dish or divide between six individual serving dishes and decorate the top with ground cinnamon.



2 ½ xicaras (cha) de acucar
1 xicara (cha) de agua

Numa panela m?eia, coloque a agua e o acucar. Leve ao fogo medio por 10 minutos, ou ate obter uma calda fina.

500 ml de leite
Acrescente o leite e mexa novamente.

3 ovos
Acrescente a mistura de ovos aa calda e deixe cozinhar por 30 minutos, sem mexer, ou ate que os ovos comecem a se juntar. Quando comecar a endurecer, mexa com uma colher, partindo os ovos. Retire os ovos com uma escumadeira e coloque dentro de um recipiente.

2 cravos da india
Acrescente os cravos aa calda e cozinhe por mais 10 minutos.
Retire a calda do fogo e jogue sobre os ovos.

Conserve a ambrosia num recipiente com tampa e em local seco e arejado.