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Waldorf Salad

3 - 4 apples (red or green)
lemon juice

Thinly slice one apple and brush slices generously all over with lemon juice.
Cover with plastic wrap and set in refrigerator.

150 g celery root
Peel celery root and apples and cut into small dices, about 1 × 1 cm in size.
Sprinkle apple dices with lemon juice.
(???)Cook celery dices in boiling water for 5 - 10 minutes, drain thoroughly.

150 ml cr?me fra?che or sour cream
50 ml mayonnaise

Mix celery and apple cubes with sour cream and mayonnaise.

pinch of sugar
Season with sugar.

Rinse lettuce, tear leaves apart and pat dry.
Arrange leaves on bottom and sides of salad bowl.
Spoon salad in centre of bowl.

100 ml shelled walnuts
Arrange thin apple slices on surface of salad and sprinkle coarsely chopped walnuts on top.
Serve immediately.

Serving suggestion:
To vary the taste of salad, season it with curry powder, add banana slices or red grape halves or pieces of cooked chicken to make salad more filling.

2 colheres (sopa) de suco de lim?o
1 colher (ch?) de a??car
150 ml de maionese

Coloque o suco de lim?o, o a??car e 1 colher (sopa) de maionese num recipiente grande e misture bem.

4 ma??s verdes, grandes
Descasque as ma??s e corte em rodelas (1 cm). Corte as rodelas em fatias (1 cm) e as fatias em cubos (1 cm). Despreze a parte que ficam as sementes.

Acrescente os cubos de ma??s no recipiente com o molho e misture bem.

1 talo de sals?o
Lave o sals?o e corte, com uma faca afiada, em fatias bem finas.

50 g de avel?s, descascadas
Pique grosseiramente as avel?s com uma faca afiada.

Acrescente o sals?o, as avel?s e a maionese restante no recipiente com as ma??s e misture bem.

Tempere com sal e pimenta do reino.

Sirva a seguir.



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