Stuffed Zucchini
2 abobrinhas grandes
½ kg de carne mo?da
1 cebola, picada
3 dentes de alho, picados
4 colheres (sopa) de azeite
3 colheres (sopa) de farinha de rosca
1 colher (caf?) de cravo em p?
1 colher (sopa) de curry em p?
1 colher (sobremesa) de canela em p?
1 colher (sobremesa) de noz-moscada
suco de 1 lim?o
sal e pimenta-do-reino, a gosto
1. Corte as abobrinhas ao meio no sentido do comprimento. Com a ajuda de uma colher de sobremesa retire o miolo das abobrinhas, tomando cuidado para n?o furar a casca.
2. Coloque bastante ?gua numa panela e leve ao fogo para ferver.
3. Coloque as abobrinhas na ?gua fervente, conte 3 minutos e retire.
4. Coloque as abobrinhas embaixo de ?gua corrente fria para cessar o cozimento. Reserve.
5. Coloque o azeite numa panela e leve ao fogo para esquentar. Junte a cebola, o alho e misture bem. Refogue por 3 minutos.
6. Coloque a carne na panela, misture e deixe cozinhar por 10 minutos. A ?gua que a carne soltou deve secar.
7. Junte a farinha de rosca e todos os outros ingredientes, misture muito bem e cozinhe por mais 5 minutos.
8. Retire a carne do fogo e recheie as quatro abobrinhas. Coloque as abobrinhas num pirex e leve ao forno para esquentar no momento de servir.
Spiced Zucchini Soup
You don't actually need a recipe for this one.
Sliced zucchini is saut?ed with finely chopped shallots in olive oil just until wilted;
Add prepared vegetable stock, some leftover cooked white rice, a scant teaspoonful of curry powder, then simmer.
Run through a food processor until it reaches a consistency you like, then hello! a fantastic vegan soup--vegetarian if you add a dollop of sour cream like i did.
Of course you can add whatever stock you prefer, and other vegetables or other spices, if the curry seems overwhelming. [tsogb - the scent of green banana]
soup zucchini
Zucchini Gratin
1. Coat the bottom of a gratin dish with a layer of cooked tomato coulis.
2. Arrange a layer of saut?ed zucchini slices in overlapping rows on top. Sprinkle with grated cheese.
3. Continue adding layers of zucchini, coating each layer with tomato sauce and sprinkling with grated cheese.
4. Bake at 375 degrees F until golden brown on top.
Carpaccio of Zucchini with Mint
The zucchini in this salad is not cooked, so it needs to stand for about 20 minutes to let the salt and lemon juice soften the zucchini before serving.
4-5 smallish zucchinis
1 small bunch mint
1/2 lemon, juiced (more if a mild lemon)
olive oil
pinch sea salt
Slice the zucchini into very fine rounds - about 1-2mm thick. Place in a bowl, and toss with most of the finely chopped mint, the lemon juice and the salt. Leave to stand for 20 minutes or so, then add the rest of the mint and toss once more before serving. (Though small, it is tasty)
4-5 smallish zucchinis
1 small bunch mint
1/2 lemon, juiced (more if a mild lemon)
olive oil
pinch sea salt
Slice the zucchini into very fine rounds - about 1-2mm thick. Place in a bowl, and toss with most of the finely chopped mint, the lemon juice and the salt. Leave to stand for 20 minutes or so, then add the rest of the mint and toss once more before serving. (Though small, it is tasty)
Carpaccio of Zucchini with Capers
4 large zucchini
Choose fairly large baby marrows.
Using a vegetable peeler, slice the marrows lengthwise into ribbons.
For the dressing:
3 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
1/3 cup of extra virgin olive oil
1 clove of garlic, crushed
1Tbsp capers
1 tsp wholegrain mustard
salt and milled black pepper to taste
Turn onto a platter and pour over the dressing.
Regrigerate for an hour or two if possible.
Parmesan shavings (I substituted Pecorino)
chopped Italian parsley
To serve, top with shavings of Parmesan and a sprinkle of parsley.
(serves 4)